Digital Marketing

10 influencer marketing trends for 2020

The Influencer Marketing is going to be one of the portagonists of the recently inaugurated year 2020. The trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020 are in all the forums and in all the tables where there is a marketing department that pretends to be up to date.

The last years have seen this figure grow. And now, marketing managers are trying to detect what is going to work in this discipline to take advantage of its full potential .

Influencer Marketing is a modality that has appeared at full speed. And that it has consolidated even faster. Hence the importance of recognizing the main trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020. Because it is based on the new values ​​generated in the heat of the 2.0 revolution:

  1. Trust.
  2. Recommendation.

The sales power of these two values ​​is such that a new tribe has been born in the last decade: influencers. That is, those who influence.

The marketing departments of the companies quickly detected the added value of these influencers. They wanted them to recommend their products and services to reach distant audiences. Audience that was in a different orbit than the stream media or mass media.

Therefore, they quickly took advantage of it. The result is this new variant called Influencer Marketing . And it is now also when they try to apply the trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020 for the work of the whole year.

The influencer, a definition

Influencer Marketing is therefore considered as a novel marketing strategy . Beyond the trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020, it is necessary to know that what is intended is to achieve collaborative links between brands and those people with great visibility and prominence on the internet. They are the so-called influencers.

Indeed, the network of networks and emerging social networks have led to the arrival of these influencers. Users who have managed to gain a foothold until becoming references for a large number of consumers.

To this is added that all the data indicate the enormous potential of this way of reaching users. According to Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising Report 2015 , 83% of consumers fully trust the recommendations of close friends and family members.

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And another 66% declare that they trust the opinions that other users follow on social networks. This is how the definition of influencer was born : ” An influencer is a person who has a certain credibility on a specific topic, and by his presence and influence on social networks he can become an interesting prescriber for a brand .”

10 of the main influencer marketing trends for 2020

The Influencer Marketing has come then with force. But it is necessary to know where to direct efforts for 2 main reasons:

  1. To differentiate yourself from the competition . Since it is a novel discipline, many brands are dedicated to copying the strategies of their competitors.
  2. To prevent budgets from skyrocketing .

This is a non-exhaustive list of 10 of the main trends of Influencer Marketing for 2020 that you should research and launch:

1.- It will continue to be the preferred marketing for Millennials

The millennials , Internet newcomers, are outside the conventional channels. But influencers are very much followed by them. They also represent a target audience with a large purchasing power because they are very consumerist.

This is one of the great advantages of influencer marketing. Which, in turn, becomes one of the  main trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020. But it is not the only advantage. Other benefits of this discipline are that:

  • Build empathy . It manages to grow the message flow, amplify it in a positive way for the company’s products or services.
  • Guarantees a constant presence in networks . The conversation about the brand grows and large doses of conversation are generated online.
  • Provide more clicks . As a consequence of the above two advantages, traffic to the websites determined for the campaign in question also increases.
  • An affordable budget . An appropriate Influencer Marketing campaign with well-defined objectives tends to have an affordable budget. You don’t have to need a lot of money. And if it is well designed it allows a ROI (return on investment) more than satisfactory and profitable.

In summary. Products and brands win both reputation and prestige.

2.- It is condemned to growth

Another trend in Influencer Marketing for 2020 indicates that it is doomed to growth. Sweet condemnation, on the other hand. Influencers will make good use of their networks to ostensibly expand their influence. 

And it grows because it works . In 2020 it is expected to continue growing at gigantic numbers . The published data reveals that “ currently, 65% of companies already carry out Influencer Marketing campaigns. It is an essential asset if they want to generate notoriety and trust to the client, they are their main prescribers. Their messages are clearly intended and their purpose is to alter consumer behavior in favor of the brand . ”

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3.- The actions have reached a level of maturity

Another trend in Influencer Marketing for 2020 indicates that an acceptable degree of maturity is beginning to be perceived in actions of this type. This means that stable parameters begin to be established at all levels.

This allows Influencer Marketing campaigns to be designed with tight budgets and defined objectives . This year the trend is that influencer marketing will reach adulthood. Experts announce that in this way ” it will gradually move away from the classic product location to hang on the arm of campaigns of a more strategic nature .”

4.- Find an ally in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence cannot be missing within the trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020. A technology in full swing in this first quarter of the 21st century.

According to Lee Odden in The Top Rank Blog , ” and l machine learning and artificial intelligence will help identify the best influencers for the brand, choosing the best subjects, formats and content and optimize campaign performance. By bringing together different data sources and automating analysis, AI will help keep the terrain gained in an increasingly competitive environment . ”

This is something you can see on professional Branded Content & Influencer Marketing platforms like Coobis. Tools that take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to improve detection of the right influencers for each brand .

5.- Influencers as micro-media

In the grandmother’s house the grandchildren stand in front of the TV but do not watch TV. How? They connect to the internet and follow the series of their liking. Or simply connect to YouTube. It is a fact. A reality.

And here is simply another of the trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020 . The website “ Cultture ” surveyed its users with very revealing data : “ 72% of young people watch YouTube daily, compared to 20% who consume television every day. Television has been relegated to being a medium that can only be used by consumer brands . “

What is the result and how does it affect trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020?  Crystalline. The influencers are partnering to create their own networks, which compete directly with traditional digital media . These new media can take many different forms, from podcast networks to bloggers and youtubers. 

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6.- The audiovisual narrative will take off

It goes to video and podcasting. It is one of the big general trends in digital marketing: the generation of content in video formats and the podcast . And, therefore, it is clearly one of the big trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020.

The influencers, once the virality of the photographic image has been verified, are exploring the audiovisual formats that can devastate this year 2020 . If the hook represented by short and explosive videos in their content has been explored, the same can be said about audios, the so-called podcasts.

Podcasting is taking off with great force in the Hispanic environment. It is something found in the Anglo-Saxon market predictions. A space in which these formats are already being consolidated. This represents a new opportunity to position yourself as an influencer.

7.- The democratization of influence

Influencers will see how, while their ability to prescribe increases, their influence is democratized. With Influencer Marketing, work will enter into the design of a more global campaign. Therefore, the actions and decisions will tend to be shared to achieve the intended objectives.

Furthermore, the rise of microinfluencers indicates that brands are more predisposed to work with very niche influencers rather than with characters with a large volume of followers . The important thing will happen to be the quality and the close prescription.

8.- A more professionalized management

Influencers are no longer characters who work their own way. They fall within the brand marketing strategy. The consequence is that managing relationships with influencers will be an important part of companies’ marketing strategies .

Brands are paying more attention to user and employee experiences. And this trend will spread to influencer marketing. The result will be more authentic campaigns and better results for everyone.

9.- It will be used to analyze markets

The immediate evolution of Influencer Marketing is its incorporation into Market Research. It is a set of essential techniques for marketing. And it is here where this type of marketing has a great field of development.

Therefore, one of the trends in Influencer Marketing 2020 is that brands as start using the influencers as market research tools .

10.- Capacity for transparency and differentiation

The growth of Influencer Marketing requires, as always, a good dose of deontology and professional ethics. This means that the content that is paid and sponsored must be distinguished from that which is not . We must think that if influencers and brands do it, it will be the recipients of these campaigns who will do it.

Users no longer tolerate actions and content that are unclear about it. The conclusion is that another of the trends in Influencer Marketing for 2020 is that it will bet on improving transparency.

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