1500 kVA Generator for Sale

1500 kVA Generator for Sale

If you are thinking to buy a 1500 kVA new generator. Surely you want to get the best and super silent generator. So you have to know some important things before buying a new 1500 kVA generator. There are many dealers who provide you 1500 kVA generator for sale at best prices.In this post, we share some important factors about the buying the best new generator.

Before Buying a New Generator Read the Following Tips-

Noise Level Measurement

Before buying a new 1500 kVA generator you have to measure your generator noise level. To measure the noise level we all use the decibel unit. Sound is classified in different ranges. A 0-decibel reading does not indicate the absence of sound. It is the lowest sound level that the human ear is capable of hearing. If we lived presented to 160 dBA it would damage our eardrums. To protect noise pollution we have to use the best silent generator and live a peaceful life.

Choose a Generator Size

To decide the best size generator, the least demanding path is to include the wattage of all that you need to control in your home. Or on the other hand, utilize every gadget each in turn with the generator. Remember that a few apparatuses with an engine, for example, fridges, forced air systems, require more wattage when they are cycling on.

To make sense of what generator size you need, here is a rundown of regular electronic gadgets with common force prerequisites that coordinates the size you need. Additionally, make certain to check the real force required for your gadget as it will be marginally not quite the same as the models beneath.

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Sound Level of Generator

The silent generators run at 50-65dBA or less which is often quieter than the noise generated by running your refrigerator or air conditioning system.

Always Buy Suitable Generator

It’s worth to make reference to that a silent generator’s uproar generally relies upon the motor’s size. More force will constantly approach more decibels, so a generator that runs off a 4000-watt motor, for example, will be a lot stronger than one that runs off the 3000-watt motor. You may likewise need to choose a model with a marginally higher appraised wattage to suit your current needs yet additionally handle anything extra you may include later. Additionally, an enormous limit generator running at a low burden could be significantly less irritating than a littler model running at the most extreme burden.

Are you conscious that the noises from your generator do come from two places which might be vibrations within the engine housing and the exhaust machine that burns the fuel? You can change the exhaust to make it greater efficient by installing a bigger muffler to your generator. You can also build a soundproof enclosure around the generator that will allow it to breathe for air cooling purposes even as reducing noise.


After reading this blog, I hope you understand what to consider before buying a 1500 KVA generator. If any time you want any help related to generator service you can without hassle contact EO Energy team. They provide all types of generators with the latest features.

If you want the best diesel generator EO Energy provides you the best generator and service,

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