PDF File
How To

3 Simple Steps to Remove the Password of Your PDF File

Are you the type of person who is fond of encrypting files to keep them safe from becoming accessible to unauthorized persons? It is a good practice especially if your digital documents contain sensitive and confidential information including financial records of your business and bank account details. It pays to be conscious especially today that everything is possible with the help of digital technology. However, there is a possibility that you’ll get into trouble when handling encrypted documents. 

If you unintentionally forgot the password, you can never view the content of the file again. So if they contain only general details and basic information, it is best to keep them password-free. To do this, you have to use the unlock PDF tool of PDFBear that is a user-friendly and reliable online-based platform. Take a look at the pertinent information below to know how you can quickly remove the password of your documents. 

3 simple steps to unlock PDFs using PDFBear

You don’t have to go through hardships just to decrypt your files. The process is very easy if you use the PDF unlock tool of PDFBear. It streamlined the decryption procedure because it understands that not everyone has the luxury of time. It requires you to follow 3 simple steps that last only for less than a minute depending on the size of the file and the stability of your internet connection. 

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To start unlocking your PDF documents, grab your phone, connect it to the wifi, and open any of its browsers. Then, search for PDFBear and click the unlock PDF tool. Read the step-by-step process below to  

Step 1. Upload the encrypted file you wish to unlock

Make sure that you know the file name and the location before you access the unlock PDF tool. It will let you upload the encrypted document with ease. Once you click the select files button, it will redirect you to the local storage. Browse where your file is and click the upload button. Another way to transfer your document from your device to the website is through the use of the drag and drop option. 

Step 2. Enter your desired password

After successfully uploading the file, you will have to enter the password. Once you type the correct passcode, that is the only time that the tool will proceed to the process of unlocking it. You can’t possibly unlock the document without knowing the password. Hence, it is important to write it down on a piece of paper so that you have a basis whenever you forget it. 

Step 3. Download the decrypted file 

The website will allow you to instantly download the decrypted file once it becomes available. It will allow you to decide where you want to save it. You may choose to download it on your google drive, dropbox, or local storage. If you want to immediately send it to your friends or workmates, you may do so by sending its link via Gmail or social media accounts. 

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Other PDFBear Tools You Can Enjoy


  •  Convert various types of documents to PDF


The website offers a lot of tools that can convert all types of documents to PDF. If you have an Excel file containing financial records, you might want to change its file format to make it less complicated and overwhelming. For Word files, it is best to turn it into PDF when sharing it with someone else to avoid facing formatting issues. Aside from them, you can also convert PowerPoint presentations and image files to PDF. You don’t have to worry about their quality because the website partnered with Solid Documents to have the same readability as the original file.


  • Merge PDF documents into one file


Through the use of the Merge PDF tool, you can combine several documents into one file. During the process, you can change the position of the pages. It will save you from opening multiple files when accomplishing a report. It makes you manage digital files more efficiently which will positively contribute to your productivity. All of the services are free of charge including merging of files. You don’t have to spend any amount of money just to use this tool.


  • Compress PDF documents to reduce the file size


There are several social media platforms such as Gmail and Facebook that prohibit you from sending files if they are beyond their maximum file capacity. To successfully send the documents without removing any pages, you may use the compress PDF tool of PDFBear. The process is extremely safe because it uses 256-bit encryption technology and implements the 60-minute rule. 

Read More:   GogoPDF: Incredibly Useful PDF Tools of That You Should Use

In Conclusion

You can easily make your documents password-free when you use PDFBear. The process is not tedious contrary to what you are thinking. Visit it now to experience the handy and cost-effective way of unlocking, converting, merging, and compressing PDF documents!

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